envecon 2025
Call for Papers and Posters
Occurring annually since 2003, envecon is the only environmental economics conference in the UK that brings a large delegation of policy makers together with research providers, NGOs, and the private sector. Featuring a varied agenda, envecon is a unique opportunity to meet peers, address decision-makers, and discuss the latest research and policy implications in environmental economics.
We welcome papers and posters on any topic with a focus on:
the application of environmental and behavioural economics (through methods such as valuation, appraisal, natural capital accounts, and economic instruments) to;
studies of green finance, land, fresh water, marine environments, air quality, climate, chemicals, and beyond with regards to the workings of any economic sector or policy area.
Papers using economics in multidisciplinary contexts are particularly encouraged.
Submission Instructions
All papers and posters should display academic rigour and show evidence of practical application. We are interested in showcasing papers that have policy relevance and/or have been used to support decision-making in the public and/or private sectors.
Abstracts must not exceed 2 sides of A4, in 12-point font, double spaced. They should convey information on the economic theory tested; context of the practical application (actual and/or potential); results & policy implications.​
Please ensure that your abstract indicates the author for correspondence.​
This year, we will give priority to those who can present in-person
Please submit your work using the form on the right. You can submit either a short abstract to present in one of our sessions, or a poster to be displayed in the venue.
Please ensure you have read the call for papers, above, in full. Details submitted should match those of the person who will present the work if selected.
To get in touch, email us at uknee@uknee.org.uk
Conference Date & Location
Friday, March 14, 2025​
The Royal Society, London, UK
Submission Deadline
November 17, 2024