July 2021
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (JEEP) are looking for a new Editor-in-Chief

UKNEE is working alongside Taylor & Francis (the publishers of JEEP) to recruit a new Editor-in-Chief.
Becoming an editor is a rewarding and fulfilling experience where you will build your networks, promote state of the art the research, and be recognized as a leading figure within the community.
We are looking for a candidate with an academic background in environmental economics, practical experience in the field, and the passion to drive the journal forward in an exciting period of change.
If you or someone you know is interested, please click here to access more information and instructions on how to apply.
Government commits to 'nature-positive' future in response to Dasgupta Review

In February, we were fortunate enough to welcome Emily McKenzie (HM Treasury Dasgupta Review Team) to host a webinar following the Dasgupta Review’s report. This webinar was recorded for all and is available here.
This June, the government released their response to the review. In this response, the Government agreed with the Review’s conclusion that nature and biodiversity ultimately sustain economies and committed to delivering a ‘nature positive’ future in which new Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects in England will need to provide a net gain in biodiversity and habitats for wildlife.
To view this response in full, click here.
UKNEE Spring/Summer Webinars

Yesterday we welcomed Gaetano Grilli, Jaime Erazo, and Juan Andres Cardoso to deliver a webinar on the potential for sustainable cattle ranching systems to address issues (such as biodiversity loss, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions) in Colombia. The recording of this webinar will be shared with UKNEE members shortly.
They have been working in collaboration with GROW Columbia, a collaborative multidisciplinary initiative funded by the UK Government and aligned with the ColombiaBio Programme. To find out more about the initiative, click here.
Next Month’s webinar will be hosted by Sanchayan Banerjee, PhD Candidate in Environmental Economics at the LSE, who will be presenting findings from his paper: “What works best in reducing meat consumption? A systematic comparison of nudge, boost, think, and nudge plus.” The webinar will be held online on 11th August, 12:15-13:15 GMT. You can book your ticket here.