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July 2022

Present Your Work at envecon 2023: Call for Papers and Posters

envecon will return for its 21st year in March 2023. Today, we are releasing the Call for Papers, through which we will decide our envecon 2023 speakers.

The conference is open to papers on any topic with a focus on the application of environmental economic tools (such as valuation, appraisal, and instruments) to studies of land, fresh water, marine environments, air quality, climate, and beyond with regards to the workings of any economic sector, policy area, or human behaviour. We also welcome multidisciplinary teams that showcase how economics can be put to good use.

If you would like to present at next year's envecon, please follow the instructions that can be found on this page.  We are looking forward to organising envecon 2023 and will be announcing more news, including an exact date, in the coming weeks and months.

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